Enneagram Consults

with NET Integration

What makes these Enneagram consults different from other Enneagram coaching and consulting services is NET Integration.

This means getting your body on board with the process.

With NET, we are able to

Quickly find and release the stuck spots that keep you on the path of disintegration

Quickly release resistance to your path of integration

Quickly get you back on track in your life journey!

The body holds the keys to the mind.

The Enneagram is more than just a “personality classification system.”

It’s a roadmap to the human psyche and can be used to navigate the path of how you flow or clash with the people and elements of your own life.

Even though there are “only” 9 basic personality types in the Enneagram, the system encompasses 458 personality types. This is perfect for giving everyone plenty of space to discover their unique position without feeling boxed in. But it can make navigating the system seem complicated and confusing at first!

This is why having a guided introduction to the Enneagram can be so powerful in the beginning!

I have been using Enneagram typing as a part of my new client intake process for almost 20 years.

It’s been a powerful tool for supporting people on their healing journey!

Now I’m offering Enneagram consulting with NET Integration as its own service.