Book Release Happening Soon!

Surprise! My book is coming out soon! I used to think that writing the book would be the hard part. Little did I know… that writing the book is just the small first step. There are so many other steps that I never knew or thought about! Now, I am at one of the final steps of the production phase: choosing a cover design. Here are some of the finalists.

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My book is basically a hybrid health/business book. It’s about how your body - and the stresses and information it holds inside of it - affects your business and your life! It’s also about how to get comfortable in your own skin.

If you already know me, then you won’t be too surprised by any of the content, but you will still enjoy the ride! (That’s what my preview readers have said, anyway.) If you don’t know me, then it would make for a great intro!

I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that most people reading this blog post have either written a book of their own OR have always wanted to write a book. If you are in the second group - always wanted to write one - then I say, DO IT! Even as my own book is about to become a solid thing in the real world, I still have a lot of nervousness about whether it’s worth publishing. I don’t feel that I’ve said much that other people haven’t already said. And there are so many great writers out there who have said it so beautifully, too.

Who am I to add my voice?

But then, when I take off my author hat and put on my reader hat, my perspective totally changes. As a reader, I’m always hungry for a new book! And when I find a topic that I’m interested in, I can hardly wait to read as much I can about it! I’m delighted to find new books from different authors with different perspectives. As a reader, I would be really bummed if there were only 1 or 2 books - even if they are GREAT books - on a topic of great interest to me. As far as books go, as long as it’s a decent book, the more the merrier!

Everyone’s got a story inside of them or a different take on an interesting topic.

I encourage you write YOUR book! Take a class or get a coach if you can’t quite get the momentum or don’t know where to start. I took a class and wrote mine in about a month.

Speaking of good books, I have a little pile of them next to my bed, as I’m about to head into a 6-week post-surgical recovery time. Not something a holistic health professional ever wants to say, but… we’re all human. See you on the other side!



The Book is Out! 📖


Mystery Nightmares