Your LIFE Depends on...

Your LIFE depends on your nervous system. No kidding - without a brain, you would die. I think everyone knows this. But what I'm talking about is the QUALITY of your life. How do you know when life is good versus when life is bad? While it may be easy to point to outside factors - life is bad when bill collectors are lighting up the phone and life is good when all the bills are paid in advance - it's not as simple as that. There are countless examples of people who seem to "have it all" killing themselves or otherwise self-destructing out of sheer misery. The truth is, whether life is good or bad depends on what's going on in the nervous system and how it's perceiving the world. When life is good, you can tell because there is a physiology that goes with it. Muscles feel relaxed, breathing is deep, the heart is steady, there is a mental clarity and satisfaction. Often, the sky even seems a bit bluer. Life is good. When life is bad, it's often the opposite. Muscles are tight and painful, breathing is shallow, the heart may be racing or beating irregularly, things appear dull or sounds are irritating, the mind can't rest. Sometimes, there really is an objective reason for the disquiet of the nervous system. For example, if you really do live in a literal war zone, then it's normal to have a distressed nervous system, and it might even save your life. However, most people reading this post do not live in a literal war zone. Most of you are just normal people living a normal life. So why do you feel like such crap?! Modern life has assaulted the human nervous system from multiple angles, from the constant electromagnetic stresses, to modified foods, accumulated toxins in the environment to constant emotional pressure to be or do more and more and more. It's no surprise that we feel overloaded! So how can life become good?? For most, the answer is much closer than your think. Small but powerful changes by way of diet, exercise and specific chiropractic and NIS (Neurological Integration System) treatments can literally make the difference between life and death. Just in the last month, two different patients have confided in me that they had been contemplating suicide before starting care, and are amazed at how that thought now seems so alien, and that in spite of outside circumstances remaining much the same, their internal world is far healthier and thus life itself is better and worth living.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with the stress of life and are wondering whether it is even worth it anymore, come in for an assessment, and let's get you back on track! Life is short and precious. Let's make the most of it!



The thing that makes everything else work better...


The Myth of the Bargain Adjustment